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This laboratory has been designed to introduce the fundamentals of automatic control technology.

The main functions of processes, controllers and controlled systems are shown on a simulated controlled system, as well as the interactions between the transfer elements of a control loop.

Before dealing with the experimental part, the manual offers to the students the synthesis of the basic concepts relevant to the automatic control in order to develop to the best experimentations of this laboratory.

The theoretical topics described in the manual are:

  • General Definitions
  • Graphical representation of control systems
  • Subdivision of control systems
  • Canonical form of systems driven back
  • Canonical functions and characteristics of control systems
  • Analysis and design of control systems
  • Proportional action (P)
  • Integral action (I)
  • Derivative action (D)
  • PID combined action
  • Preparing the Controller The individual components are represented on the panels together with the standard block circuit diagrams.

The laboratory has been functionally divided in a number of sections, so that the student can follow a proper educational path, with increasing difficulties from theory to practical applications.

The sections have been set up as follows:

Fundamentals of Automatic Control Technology

Processes PRO

Controllers PID

Continuous Automatic Control CAC

Discontinuous Automatic Control DAC


Control of a DC

motor MOT

Temperature control TEM

Light control LUM Level control LEV

Flow control FLO

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