CIM (computer integrated manufacturing) is a manufacturing method, in which the entire production process is automated and controlled by computer to reduce the errors and increase its efficiency.
The DL CIM-PMC02 reproduces a scaled-down processing station with pneumatic press.
The manufacturing cell is controlled by a programmable logic controller (PLC) that allows the automation of the processes and the operation of the industrial production line.
It is a closed- loop control based on PLC that exchanges information collected from sensors and covers CIM system functional areas like design, analysis, planning, purchasing, cost accounting, inventory control, or more applied functions: materials handling and management, direct control, and monitoring of all the operations.
The automated factory simulates the assembly of cubes composed of two parts, a metal base and a plastic lid (black and white), joined together with plugs.
The DL CIM-PMC02 received the inspected material and relative information from the DL CIM-PMC01.
The metal base, after having the pins inserted, is placed in the press where it is assembled with a plastic lid.
The assembled cube is placed back on the belt and transferred to the next station for storage.