DL 2122M
The model consists of a real three-stop scaled down lift and allows an innovative approach to PLC control and management.
The model includes:
- lift car up-down and position visual signaling at each floor
- photocell on the lift car door to stop its closing in presence of an obstacle
- booking to be effected through buttons with flashing signaling, on priority basis and independently from the lift car position
- lift car geared motor, hoist and electromagnetic brake
- floor, safety and lift car deceleration limit switches
- lift car and floor door open-shut motors
- motor protection thermal relays simulated by buttons
- lift car deceleration, either up and down, near the stop floor
- reproduction of the inside lift car switch panel
- installation graph on the panel
- connection to PLC through terminals or connectors
- fault simulator through micro-switches Power supply: single-phase from mains.
Complete with educational manual and control software.
NOTE: It can be connected to a PLC such as the DL 2210B, although it is possible to use also a DL 2210A, but without booking visual signaling on the lift car switch panel.
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