This application allows Teachers a complete management of all the activities inside the Laboratory:
- Assignment of the lessons that the students must study
- Monitoring of the activities of each student (in/out from the lessons, right or wrong answers, rating, etc.)
- Direct communication with each student workstation (sending and receiving messages, fault insertion on the student workstations
- Recording of all the students’ activities in a database (Microsoft Access compatible) on the Teacher’s workstation
- Processing of the stored data for the control of the individual or group learning level The DL LAB software offers a simple and effective user interface (similar to Explorer in Windows) that allows teacher to move among students, lessons, faults and results in the same way he is used to explore the computer resources.
- Unlimited number of classes (one database for each class)
- Unlimited number of students per class
- Maximum number of work stations connected at the same time: 256
- 32 bit operating systems • user interface similar to Windows Explorer
- Control of the Students’ access through Username and Pass‐ word
- Assignment of the lessons to study, insertion of the faults, ac‐ cess control
- Communication with the students and message exchange
- Visualization of every activity performed by the students
- Complete list of all the on‐line lessons and faults
- Results of each student in the last performed lesson: details relevant to each question, average rating, time
- Results of class performance
- Export of the results in ASCII format
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