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Fluid Mechanics studies the laws of motion of fluids and their processes of interaction with solid bodies. Fluid Mechanics is a mixture of theory and experimentation derived from the research of hydraulic engineers, and also from the reflection of mathematicians and physicists, who address problems from an analytical approach.
The fundamental characteristic of fluids is the so-called fluidity. A fluid changes shape continuously when subjected to stress, i.e. a fluid is not capable of withstanding a shear stress without moving during any interval of time. Some liquids will move more slowly than others, but under a shear stress they will always move.
Fluid mechanics is fundamental in fields as diverse as aeronautics, chemical, civil and industrial engineering, meteorology, shipbuilding and oceanography.
With our proposal of didactic systems De Lorenzo seeks to improve, enhance and develop cognitive and social processes in terms of professional competencies integrated by knowledge, skills and attitudes for a comprehensive training of the student in the area of Fluid Mechanics.

  • Fundamentals Of Fluid Mechanics
  • Hydraulic Machines
  • Hydraulics Channel
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