Brushless DC Trainerdeveloped to study the more important industrial disciplines: DC brushless motor, PLC and human Machine interfaceIt has been developed as an “open” system; each hardware component is independent from the other ones, lowing the study of each system in autonomous way, connecting other existing equipment of the laboratory.
Features: It is easy to move with its portable structure.
The trainer can be used tostudy three differentdidactic field: DC brushless, HMI, PLC. Trainerhardware characteristics permit to thestudents to study independently or together theparts of the trainer.
ORDERING CODE It is possible to order this product with two different codes.
The code’s choice is based on the PLC type to be included with the trainer.
DL 2131-AB–Brushless Dc Trainerwith PLC Alan Bradley DL 2131-1200–Brushless Dc Trainerwith PLC Siemens