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We call heat transfer, thermal transfer or heat transmission the physical phenomena from which heat spreads from one medium to another. This occurs when two systems of different temperatures come into contact, allowing the flow of energy from the point of highest concentration (in this case of higher temperature) to the point of lowest concentration, until reaching a thermal equilibrium, in which they equalize temperatures. There are three mechanisms of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. There is conduction within a body or between two bodies that are in contact. Convection depends on the movement of a mass from one region of space to another. Radiation is heat transfer by electromagnetic radiation, like sunlight, without there having to be any matter in the space between the bodies. De Lorenzo has designed different simulators and demonstrators to cover this field. The educational goal of each of the didactic systems that we offer for this line is for students to know and understand the operation of the devices, the general specifications of their systems, maintenance and control characteristics.
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