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The term Smart Grid is used to refer to the smart electrical distribution network. They are basically electricity distribution networks combined with modern information technologies, which provide data to both electricity distribution companies and consumers. To provide intelligence to traditional electrical networks, telematic reading counters are added, that allow to know real-time consumption, both for the company and the end user. With this information it is possible to know consumption habits and improve network efficiency, as well as contribute to energy savings. Smart Grids have information and control elements in operation centers, making it possible to know the network situation and even act remotely on switches and other elements, helping to identify and solve technical problems faster. The smart grid system developed by De Lorenzo is organized into subsystems, each composed of several modules. They range from simulations of alternative energy sources: wind, hydroelectric, and solar. A subsystem that simulates the smart grid, with fault protection modules, that measure voltages and currents in real time to detect faults in the electrical network … Throughout the catalogue we will present in detail each of the elements that compose it, as well as the practical scope in the development of the professional competences of the students. All our modules have interconnected theory and practices that enable students to gradually learn and teachers to plan their courses.
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