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Industrial plant (physical or mechanical) refers to the necessary infrastructure used in operation and maintenance of a given facility. It is an area of general education that deals with technology and industry and should not be confused with “manufacturing plant” in the sense of “a factory”. It is an engineering discipline that includes engineering sciences and optimization of complex processes, systems or organizations. The main objective for people within this discipline is to improve efficiency, drive up effectiveness of manufacturing, quality control, and to reduce cost while making their products more attractive and marketable. Industrial engineering is concerned with the development, improvement, and implementation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, as well as analysis and synthesis. Therefore, industrial engineering is the branch of engineering that involves figuring out how to make or do things better. For this field, De Lorenzo has designed a wide range of industrial plants of modest size, recommended for professional institutes, vocational schools and technical colleges.

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