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Civil electrical installations are used in our homes and in public spaces such as schools and hospitals, to name a few examples. De Lorenzo has designed different modular trainers for the development of the skills of technicians, engineers, and specialists in the electrical area. Each laboratory consists of a set of modules, which combine industrial-grade components and didactic panels with symbols and diagrams, which can be organized and reconfigured varying the typology and wiring between them. This flexible structure allows the execution of a large number of tests for the theoretical-practical study of different types of installations. With our teaching solutions, you can simulate a large number of plants that are commonly found in the field, such as: basic and advanced lighting plants, signaling, intrusion, and fire alarm systems, intercom systems, among others. Home automation trainers allow the application of automation concepts in a home environment using communication standards and protocols commonly found in the market. All the didactic systems we offer in De Lorenzo are intended to help students know and understand the operation of civil electrical devices, their control, and how to perform a correct design of their installations, as well as to know the accessories, and the methods of assembly and design of their installations, accompanied with didactic diagrams.
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