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The TIME (Trainer for Interactive Multipurpose Electronics) system is a trainer for interactive multi-theme electronics.

TIME workstations are a platform for guided learning and self-learning at 360 degrees. With these study boards, the teacher can cover practically all the curricular subjects of the study of electronics, ranging from the basic concepts of electricity and electromagnetism, DC and AC circuits, electronic devices, amplification, etc., filters, digital electronics, to its fields of application in engineering such as regulation and control, telecommunications, autotronics, biomedical, or power electronics with the control of converters, motors and generators, to mention a few.

It is comprised of:

  1. A power base that allows the interface of the study boards with the PC.
  2. Student workspace: Computer-assisted instruction SW, which includes theory, and instructions for the execution of the practices.
  3. Teacher Workspace: SW platform for managing the virtual educational laboratory.
  4. Virtual instrumentation.
  5. Self-assessment system.

With the wide variety of practical study cards, the teacher can integrate the methodology of progressive problem solving thanks to the possibility of including faults incorporated in the cards, stimulating critical thinking among students.

With the TIME system the student will develop cognitive processes in terms of professional competencies integrated by knowledge and skills. The teacher will find a great theoretical and practical tool with a system that allows to stimulate gradual learning and that offers tools for the planning of courses.

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