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Vehicle ignition systems has evolved significantly over the years to deliver improved, more reliable and more powerful performance. The purpose of the ignition system is to generate a very high voltage from the car’s 12V battery, and to send this to each sparkplug in turn, igniting the fuel-air mixture in the engine’s combustion chambers. The coil is the component that produces this high voltage. The widest application for spark ignition internal combustion engines is in petrol (gasoline) road vehicles: cars, four-by-four (SUVs), motorcycles, pickups, vans, trucks and buses. In some modern ignition systems, micro-electronics ensure the optimum ignition timing (the relationship between the exact time a plug is fired and the position of the piston in terms of degrees of crankshaft rotation) for all engine speeds and engine load conditions. For the ignition system field, De Lorenzo has designed some panels to simulate the behavior, with the help of a CAI software, such as the study of the starting techniques used in the Otto cycle engines (conventional, transistor and electronic ignition), the circuits and systems for the starting and the recharging, the techniques and the devices used in the starting systems for industrial vehicles and the electronics applied to ignition systems. Troubleshooting’s are provided in all of them. A demonstrator panel is also available for this category. It represents the operation of the engine ignition system based on real components of six ignition systems for teaching and maintenance training. It is equipped with intelligent fault setting and troubleshooting. They are recommended for professional institutes, vocational schools and technical colleges.

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