Access to sufficient amounts of safe food is key to sustaining life and promoting good health.
Foodborne illnesses are usually infectious or toxic in nature and often invisible to the plain eye, caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemical substances entering the body through contaminated food or water.
Food safety has a critical role in ensuring that food stays safe at every stage of the food chain, from production to harvest, processing, storage, distribution, and preparation and consumption.
Food technology has evolved into an interdisciplinary area based on chemical engineering and food science dealing with the production processes that make foods. The demand for uniform and high-quality food around the year, even at remote places from production centers, has led to improved food processing technologies.
Food industries are almost double the size of chemical industries and cover many areas such as dairy products, poultry, and meat products, fruit and vegetable processing, grain processing, fats, and oils, etc.
At De Lorenzo, we have a food processing laboratory, a milk and cheese processing machine, and multifunctional benches to prepare small amounts of marmalades, jam, ketchup, juices, and other alimentary products.
Get to know our range of products based on Food Technology.