DL 8171
Trainers for demonstrations and experiments in the electropneumatic field.
The trainer includes a metal frame supporting the following modules:
- A pneumatic board, where all the components are mounted and identified through a clear symbol.
They include: 6 magnetic doub1e-acting cylinders with 12 flow regulators and 12 proximity sensors, 4 stable and 2 unstable 5/2 valves, 10 unstable 2/2 solenoid valves and 1 splitter.
Supplied with 50 m of ø4 and 3 m of ø6 plastic tube, 1 tee and 5 plugs, as well as 1 pipe cutter, service manual and exercise book with experiments.
- An electro-pneumatic board, that, in addition to providing the terminal board for limit switches and valve solenoids, includes: 1 emergency and 4 control push-buttons, 1-2PDT switch, 1 delayed pickup and 1 delayed drop-out time relay, 5 auxiliary contactors with 6 changeover contacts each and 3 signal lamps.
- An air supply vertical board, providing 1 lever main switch, 1 filter, 2 pressure regulators with 2 pressure gauges, 1 mushroom and 3 digital 3/2 push-buttons, 1 lever 5/2 selector and 1 digital 5/2 push-button.
NOTE: the electro-pneumatic bench DL 8171 can be connected to a PLC, such as our DL 2210A or DL 2210B.
ACCESSORY: both the pneumatic and electro-pneumatic benches need an air compressor such as our DL 8110SLZ.
- Circuits with single and double-acting cylinders
- Circuits with logic controls
- Circuits with relays
- Circuits with timers
- Circuits with multiple cylinder sequences
- Driving of circuits with programmed logic sequence, using an optional PLC
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